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When anxiety hits…⁣

Jun 16, 2021

When anxiety hits…⁣

I don’t know who needs to hear this right now, but something is telling me a lot of people.⁣

I’m just reminding you that not every day is a happy, positive, bubbly day.⁣

Some days I have anxiety that cripples me⁣
The heaviness in my chest feels suffocating ⁣
I don’t sleep well⁣
I feel anxious about my business⁣
I worry for my clients and how they are doing⁣
I miss family terribly⁣
I hate COVID and scream about it sometimes⁣
I think about the future and how uncertain it is⁣
I miss hugs from my nieces⁣
I get annoyed at people (I screamed at my neighbour's dog today! Oops)⁣
Some days I struggle to get through a day ⁣

I’m not always happy⁣

I’m not always jumping out of bed and raring to go at 4.45⁣

I’m not always positive⁣

I don’t always have the answers⁣

And I certainly don’t have all my shit together.⁣

I don’t want you dropping in my Instagram and seeing the ‘highlight’ reel of perfect.⁣
My life is not perfect⁣
I am not perfect⁣
I’m a work in progress⁣

Deciding to commit every day to my spiritual journey and to being the best version of me possible means I face the tough stuff.⁣

Not always from alignment and with a smile⁣
Sometimes kicking screaming⁣
With the remnants of tears from my non-waterproof mascara streaming down my face⁣
I show up⁣
I keep showing up⁣
And despite wanting to, I don’t give up.⁣
This is real life.⁣

Please know - you aren’t alone⁣

Don’t give up⁣

You’ve got this⁣ 💕

Tell me 1 real-life story? (Have you ever screamed at the neighbour's dog?)⁣ 🐕🤐

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