Too scared of being judged
Jun 16, 2021
I have been worried what people think... in 1 area of my life.😔
This has bitten me, like a snake... slithering in there unnoticed and to be honest... it has secretly been crippling me.🐉😬
For years I worried what people thought; about my body, the weight I had gained, my career, where I was in life, the clothes I wore, what I said and did.
I've worked on these beliefs a LOT and I've overcome all of the above (huge win)!
But.... I missed one... or rather one has developed over time and it has really held me back.
and it recently hit me.
I have been on my spiritual, all singing all dancing 'woo woo' path for 10 years.
10 years of trying anything spiritual I can get my hands on. I have also been a reiki practitioner for 2 years.
Yes an energy healer, a light worker, the ancient Japanese art of healing - using energy and my hands. 🙌
I have been too scared of what people think to post about it. Too afraid people will think it is too 'woo woo' and wouldn't understand it.
Too scared of being judged, that I held myself back in my business.
I said no more. I ripped the bandaid off and I am sharing it with you.
I told myself with 100% certainty -
If people don't like it - that's ok, not everyone will.
If they unfollow and think i'm crazy, that is ok too.
If people don't understand it or want to - that is completely ok and their choice.
If people laugh, don't believe the work I do, say things behind my back - that is a reflection of them and not me.
In the past 2 months I have seen and experienced miracles, which have literally blown my mind. I have seen the most amazing transformations. So I'm sharing it, actually I'm shouting it from the rooftops.
Charlotte xx
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