Things I do to stay happy
Jun 04, 2021
The top #2 things I do to stay so happy 😊
You might not believe this… but I wasn’t always this happy, bubbly person and i'm not happy 100% of the time. I've had long periods of depression and anxiety that swept in and stole my happiness for a while (like an Australian Spring time magpie)
Happiness + Joy are literally what I live for.😁
Let's be honest 2020 could do with some more sprinkles of happiness right? 🌈
So here you go #2 things I do to stay happy –
#1 Cry, the ugly whaling, sobbing, streaming tears, screaming sadness out, kicking arms and legs on the bed toddler style. If you want to feel the good you got to feel the tough stuff too. (Pssstt… it only take 90-120 seconds to process any emotion so let them tears flow) 😭
#2 Reiki Energy Healing… yep i'm into all the woo woo! I give myself Reiki almost daily. 🌌 It is healing AF and seriously If you haven’t tried it… get on that.🙌
Tell me what makes you happy? 😁
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