My confidence levels
Aug 06, 2021
I’ll be confident when…I’ve lost weight…
When I’m a size XXXX
When I’m lean
When I’ve just got rid of my rolls
When I don’t have cellulite
I want to remind you that your confidence levels are NOT as a result of the shape or size of your body. You may think that if you lose weight you will be more confident, but lovely trust me when I say, I tried for years – it doesn’t work! (refer to above) IT DOES NOT WORK. I've gone from a Size 16 - Size 6 and in the process, I lost so many years, so many moments, so much of my life gone and gained so much anxiety!
I was so anxious in both of the first pics, my mental health was at critical levels. I couldn't communicate how I felt, criticized every inch of my body, I couldn’t make decisions 😔
It is so easy to focus on the negatives of yourself and your body. I’m not confident, I need to lose weight, I can’t say that, I don’t have the confidence to do that…
The negative way you talk to yourself is what steals away your confidence.
Instead of telling yourself the stories around WHY you aren’t, you can change this!
As I was flaunting on the beach in my bikini for this last pic, I had to stop and take a moment. As tears welled up in my eyes about the journey my body and I have been on for the past 17 years. ED recovery. How far we have come together and how now - I don’t need to change anything about it to be confident. It made me feel so proud.
If you talk to yourself in a negative way and you’ve been telling yourself…you’ll be confident when...
This is your sign, you don’t need to lose weight and change your body to be confident!
You have the ability to SHINE radiantly and be freaking confident.
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