Mar 20, 2023
Every time I move, countries and continents, often multiple times a month sometimes a week. 🤪. I have some absolute non-negotiables.
I am becoming (#imperfect human) an absolute pro at loving the shit out of myself whilst growing through huge life changes + navigating challenges (there are lots behind the scenes)
I don’t say it lightly because I’m not incredible at shouting myself from the rooftops 🤦🏽♀️ (yet), but I’m a MASTER OF CHANGE.
I feel deeply nourished.
I go with the flow, I have a killer mindset & perspective most people think is mind-blowing. (My mindset is the bomb diggy dee)
I don't get stressed, anxious or overthink very often.
I am a profoundly courageous soul, willing to fall down, face fears & get back up again and again and again.
I do all of this, to show you what’s possible.
You don’t have to desire this life, the nomad life, travelling the world.
BUT if you desire to live a fulfilling, free, peaceful, joyful, abundant life – I’m here for this and I'm here to show you the way.
The thing is -
I'm not uniquely special in that I have something, you don't
I didn't have a solid, stable upbringing, nurturing me to deeply trust in myself, have confidence & follow my dreams. (I was living in a caravan at 16 with three jobs, chronic bulimia & anxiety)
I decided I wanted a hell yes, a lit-up life & I went after it
I was sick of living for the weekends & yearly holidays.
Being in a soul-sucking career, chained to a desk.
I was sick of self-doubt, anxiety, fear of failure & no confidence.
So many people don't create a life they are absolutely in love with because they believe it's not possible for them and they're so afraid to fail.
I just said hell yes and kept on saying it over & over again.
I want you to know how powerful you are your dream life, career, home, family, friendships and business are possible for you.
If you're courageously willing to go after it.
If you're here for it, it's hitting your heart, getting you a little fired up & inspired to make changes and take a courageous leap to a Lit up, Heart-Led Life, Soul-Filled Life you are in love with.
DM 'COACH ME' for 1-1 Coaching details.
Charlotte xx
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