I'm Fucking Tired
Nov 22, 2022
I'm Fucking Tired 😴
I was chatting to some soul-sisters on Friday and as we shared about some deep and meaningful topics and insights, I had some huge realisations and I just burst into tears. My girls held the most beautiful loving space for me to just let it all out.
I sat back in my meditation after our chat and I realised - I’m just fucking tired. The past 4 weeks alone have had me healing some big, deep and really fucking tough stuff. (Episode 50 on the podcast)
98% of you said you were tired too!
So this is an ode to the tired people...
I'm tired
I’m tired that sometimes the spiritual path is exhausting
I'm tired that sometimes doing the work is hard
I’m tired for humanity and the collective and for everything we are and continue to navigate.
I’m tired of healing from one of the biggest challenges of my life, the darkness and the depths have been exhausting.
I’m exhausted at the mental capacity some things are taking me, even a simply decision #tired.
I’m tired of my to-do list - not even doing it, just thinking about it
I'm tired and right now I don’t want to get up at 5am and practice my self-care (GULP)
I’m tired of adulting!
I’m tired of learning (Never did I ever think I’d say that)
I'm tired of the lessons.
I’m tired that I tried to save a mans life and I couldn’t
My mind is tired, my body feels tired and I feel emotionally tired.
I'm not depressed, there is nothing wrong with me.
I have everything I need. I am beyond grateful and blessed.
I’m just fucking tired.
So If you’re feeling tired too, if you can resonate with any or all of the above. I hope this gives you permission.
It's ok, You’re human. This path you're walking, the path to healing, the spiritual path CAN be tiring.
✨Put the to-do list away
✨Nourish yourself
✨Go Slow for a little while and let your mind and body take a rest
✨And if you want; binge-watch Netflix, stay in your pyjamas all weekend, eat a whole bar of chocolate for breakfast, read your trashy novel, smash a couple of pizzas and enjoy a wine or two. Say No to doing shit that doesn't feel good. Just give yourself a break.
It’s ok to be tired
Much Love
Your tired human
Charlotte xx
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