Food is just food
Jun 04, 2021
Who feels like they’ve ruined themselves this weekend and are starting over today?
If you are beating yourself up for what you’ve eaten this weekend, decide to restrict what you eat today, feel guilty, tell yourself you need to train harder to ‘burn it off’ or just start the NEXT latest diet.
Burgers, wine, dinners, wine, chips, donuts get to be enjoyed.🍔🍟🍩 if you want them - eat them. This doesn't mean you are 'unhealthy' or 'going to get fat'
End of story, I even let my face enjoy some of the deliciousness 😜
Food is just food.
When you restrict you binge. When you deprive yourself you want it even more.
Ask yourself these questions.
Can I rewind time?
What am I achieving when I feel guilty for the past?
If I fast forward 5 years from now would I really give a shit what I ate/drank this weekend?
Be here now.
Live life
It is too short to continue to rinse and repeat this cycle.
The time to break free is NOW
Pssst... I'm a gherkin lover too🥒
What is your favorite burger topping?
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