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Challenging Weekend

Nov 03, 2021

I have to share this with you

This weekend I have been challenged.

Pushed, tested and forced to face parts of myself. In a full weekend of training and courses to become a facilitator in 2 new modalities. 🙏🏼😇🙌🏼

Beliefs I’ve spent years working on, reared their head.

I’ve felt frustrated
Had fears and doubts come up onto a table so I could work through them.

I pushed through resistance, let it sit at the table and allowed it. 😫

Facets of myself that have been hidden from my conscious awareness also presented themselves.

How do I know this is healing - Because it happened.

Whatever happened, happened, it couldn’t have happened any other way, because it didn’t - Peter Chrone

So here I am still coming out of the other side, ready to integrate and bring so many powerful lessons to my work.

If you are being presented with challenges, fears, doubts, you’re frustrated, please know this isn’t pretty. I see you.

In the end I hope you can take away the powerful lessons for your healing and expansion.

Open to see those parts of yourself with love.

As I go to sleep tonight, grateful, humbled and in love with the work I am bringing to this world.

Can you guess the modality? 😂 Drop it below ⬇️

Love and Light

Charlotte xx

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